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MSA W65 Self-Rescuer with Protective Steel Case


MSA W65 Self-Rescuer with Protective Steel Case

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MSA 455299 Self-Rescuer Respirator W65 with Protective Case

The MSA 455299 Filter Self-Rescuers W65-2/W65 and W 95 are Air-Purifying for one-time escape use providing protection against toxic carbon monoxide (CO) and other gases emitted in underground mine fires or explosions. The Filter Self-Rescuer is immediately ready-for-use after opening and removal from the container. It has a Latex-free mouthpiece and nose clip to reliably protect the user from the contaminated ambient air. The adjustable head harness allows for a tight fit and hands-free usage. The sturdy stainless steel container is hermeticly sealed, providing long-lasting protection.

The W65 Self-Rescuer is approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Approval No. TC-14G-82) for self-rescue from carbon monoxide. (Previously assigned Bureau of Mines Approval No. 14F-76.)

Features and Specs:

  • Sturdy construction: Increased safety in rough underground mining conditions 
  • Belt or shoulder carrying mode: Ready for immediate use 
  • Unique combination of noble metal catalyst &  hopcalite pre-filter (W 95) 
  • Extended service life (more than 4 hours)
  • Equipped with mouthpiece & nose clip: Intuitive use 
  • Provides emergency protection against carbon monoxide
  • Gas resulting from underground fires or explosions
  • Total life of 15 years with an in-service life limited to ten years
  • Rugged stainless steel case

 Cost effectiveness 

  • Rugged stainless steel container: Long life expectancy 
  • Sealed container: Maintenance free 
  • Choice of trainer versions: Simple and economical training

 Excellent wearer comfort 

  • Small size & low weight: Easy to carry on the job